I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. Ez 36:26

Est. 2020

About Halved Heart

Thank you for stopping by.

After our 20 week anatomy sonogram, we not only learned the gender, but that there was something not right with Emerson heart. Two echocardiograms later, Brother was diagnosed with HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome). This news was not anything we could have ever imagined or prepared for.

Halved Heart is a glimpse into our journey with HLHS. If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s a journey that the entire family will walk through.

So this is a space for us, to create awareness and hopefully connect with other heart families. But also to ask for your support. When buying this shirt, you are helping to support our journey through hypoplastic left heart syndrome. We are forever grateful of each and every one of you.

hello@halvedheart.comHalved Heart on InstagramHalved Heart on Facebook

Looking to Give?

We understand that some people would prefer to give without buying a shirt. Feel free to use the form to give directly. Thank you!